The Safety Meeting Videos make training your personnel easy and cost effective. The topics are mining and general industry related. Each Safety Meeting Video comes complete with instructor guide, quiz and sign in sheet.

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Videos are $95 each. Online Ordering Coming Soon – Call for Orders 706-253-2677

Air-Purifying Respirators Air-Purifying Respirators “They Have Limitations.” V-I1105

Describes different types of respirators and the conditions under which each should be worn. Also describes proper use and maintenance of each.

Attitude: How It Affects Safety Attitude: How It Affects Safety V-D0703

Concentrates on four major areas that influence our actions: Adaptive readiness, safety programs, priority order, and personal choice. Encourages a more serious responsibility for safety.

Back FactsBack Facts V-C0704

A look at some numbers related to America’s most frequent injury-on and off the job. Takes a look at some causes of back injury and some corrective actions to lower those numbers.

Battery SafetyBattery Safety V-L0703

Focus on the effects of low and high temperatures on battery performance. Also examines some battery hazards, battery charging, battery maintenance and PPE.

BlastingBlasting V-F0904

Describes the different degrees of exposure risk from blasting operations and precautions taken to minimize those risks. From the arrival of the explosives truck and the least exposure to office and shop personnel to the blasting crew with the most exposure.

Bloodborne Pathogens Bloodborne Pathogens V-L0804

Discuss some of the types of viruses and disease-causing bacteria that are carried in the bloodstream. The information includes how the bloodborne pathogens are transmitted, type of personal protective equipment, clean up, and emergency procedures.

Confined Space Entry Confined Space Entry V-C0705

Defines confined spaces and reason for entering them. Also discusses how to determine what types of hazards exist and how to eliminate or neutralize them. Includes importance of proper communication, training and proper use of equipment.

Eye InjuriesEye Injuries V-D0504

Recognizing hazards that contribute to eye injuries-including chemical contact, exposure to dust and radiant light, loose objects, and tools. Describes first aid procedures and the importance of PPE.

Fall ArrestFall Arrest V-C0703

Examines types of fall arrest equipment, proper use of equipment, and the proper inspection and maintenance of equipment to afford the greatest protection.

Fire Extinguishers: Maintenance and UseFire Extinguishers: Maintenance and Use V-I0303

Discusses the different kinds of fire extinguishers and the proper procedure for using them. Also describes examination and maintenance of the hoses, caps and pressure of the extinguisher and the importance of maintenance tags.

Ground ControlGround Control V-K0403

Describes the potential hazards of loose ground around areas including highwalls, stockpiles, bins and hoppers, feeders, dumpsites and roadways. Discusses the causes such as weather, undercutting, spoil banks, etc. Also describes appropriate and timely examinations to promote proper ground control.

Hand SafetyHand Safety V-G704

Describes hazards to be aware of during operating and repairing equipment, material handling, using tools, chemicals, and extreme temperatures. Discusses several types of hand injuries and precautions to take to avoid them.

Haul Road Safety Haul Road Safety V-J0204

Discusses areas of concern regarding safe travel on haul roads. Concentrates on areas of sight distance stopping, braking capacity, acceleration ability, speed, grades, yield angles, blind spots as well as reaction and response times.

Hazcom: GasesHazcom: Gases-Common But Dangerous V-K1004

A look at some of the most common gases used and/or produced on mine property and the hazards associated with them. This includes exposure, labeling, and handling and storage.

Hearing ProtectionHearing Protection V-J0103

Describes some different types of hearing loss and their causes. Discusses engineering and administrative controls to reduce noise and the imperative use of proper hearing protection.

Hearing ProtectionHearing Protection – Spanish V-J0103S
Same as above, in Spanish.

Heat HazardsHeat Hazards V-G0503

Describes the three most common heat related conditions: heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Discusses the causes of each, recognition of symptoms and treatment of each.

Horseplay and Practical Jokes Horseplay and Practical Jokes V-A0705

Demonstrates several incidents where fun and games, though they relieve the monotony of a long and/or boring day, can cause embarrassment, injuries or damage to property.

HousekeepingHousekeeping V-B0704

Discusses the causes of poor housekeeping and its effect on safety. Shows how proper housekeeping in the shop, on walkways, in storage areas, and on mobile equipment is essential to safety and to the conservation of time, energy and materials.

Poor Visibility Can Kill I Didn’t See Him: Poor Visibility Can Kill V-E0205

Discusses communication, warning devices and other controls to eliminate pedestrian accidents.

Ladder SafetyLadder Safety V-H0703

Considers different types of ladders and the importance of choosing the right one for specific tasks. Proper placement and proper climbing techniques are explained as well as inspection and maintenance of the ladders.

Lock and TagLock and Tag V-B603

Reviews lockout/tagout procedures to prevent accidental startup. Includes identifying the circuit, de-energizing the equipment, correct standing position, locking and securing the key, and notification of operator.

Mandatory Safety and Health Mandatory Safety and Health V-I0104

Describes the concept of site-specific hazard awareness training: To whom it is given, by whom it is given, how it is given, and the topics and procedures to be addressed.

That Summer Heat Oh! That Summer Heat V-F0805

Addresses effect of excessive heat and ways to alleviate heat stress situations and prevent first aid situations.

Oxygen/Acetylene SafetyOxygen/Acetylene Safety V-A0704

Detailed description of acetylene and oxygen cylinders. Describes the proper use of both and their proper handling, inspection, maintenance and storage.

Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment V-H0704(English and Spanish)

Discusses options for protection from physical, chemical and other environmental hazards and from injuries from unsafe air and noise. Also describes proper use and maintenance of protective clothing and equipment.

Inspection of Mobile EquipmentPre-Shift/Pre-Operation Inspection of Mobile Equipment V-E204

A basic guide for conducting inspections of mobile equipment by operators to prevent accidents, injuries and breakdowns. These include an awareness of specific manufacturer’s warnings, proper support and clearance of equipment. Describes the points of inspection, which include fluids, lights, alarms, tires, rims, lugs, pressure, hoses, tanks, housings, connections as well as gauges and mirrors and more.

Seat Belts: The Right Choice Seat Belts: The Right Choice V-D0205

Discusses the importance of wearing seat belts while operating mobile equipment. Illustrates how seat belts save lives in rollovers, fires, etc. Also emphasizes the importance of the proven “Don’t Jump.”

Slips, Trips, and, Falls Slips, Trips, and, Falls V-J1005

Points out ways to identify and correct hazards, including proper housekeeping, maintenance and, personal protective equipment.

Strains and SprainsStrains and Sprains V-E703

Illustrates different types of slip, trip, and fall accidents as well as other factors that cause strains and sprains. Discusses proper material handling, proper housekeeping, environment awareness, and proper repair and maintenance of equipment and work areas.

Substance Abuse Substance Abuse V-K0105

Discusses some common drugs and their effects. Describes some of the behavior changes, warning signs and other risks involved, as well as employee assistance programs available.

When Nature's Critters AttackWhat To Do When Nature’s Critters Attack! V-H0505

Defines areas where poisonous insects and/or animals may be found, signs and symptoms of bites from them and first aid for those bites.

Welding Hazards Welding Hazards V-G0305

Identifies types of welding hazards, their causes and steps to minimize them.

Workplace InspectionWorkplace Inspection V-F1003

Describes the performance and documentation of inspections of work areas, both specific and mobile. To recognize dangerous conditions or practices in areas including but not limited to housekeeping, storage of chemicals and gases, fire equipment, guards and conveyors, walkways, steps, ladders and even roadways.